“Since the beginning of the year, I have completed a few of the ATHLEAN-X programs starting with the XERO program and I am now onto AX-1 with the T.N.T. plug-ins.
If I hadn’t stumbled upon your videos on YouTube, I would likely still be on the couch!
I just want to say that not only do I love the programs (the workouts are amazing!) but I also want to thank you for helping to change my life.
My results are better than I could have asked for in such a short period of time and I am happy to look at myself in the mirror now.
Not only have you helped me make a change physically but mentally and socially as well; I have a new, more positive outlook on myself and the world around me and it’s all thanks to training with the ATHLEAN-X programs.
Thanks again for the great content and the even better training programs and keep up the great work, Jeff!”